The mugwort story

It all started as us, Real BackYard Heroes, on our backyard in Partille in 2010 with a grill and it landed in a backyard in Gråbo in 2017 with 11 grills and smokers. From that point there is no turning back. When we started Mugwort, which by the way means Gråbo(our small town name)  in English, it was mostly like a fun thing, where we just did small townfests and some happy grilling. When I was training for the World Championships in Grill & BBQ, obscene amounts of meat were grilled and we couldn't eat all the meat. So quickly and done, it was advertised on Facebook and curious neighbors flocked to the backyard to take part in all sorts of tests.
In just a few weeks, I realized that it could become something and now I have test driven so many different things that I feel pretty sure that what I create is something that feels very welcome in the village so from May 2018 so Mugwort BBQ will be open every weekend until September. During the beginning of the journey,Johan and  Sanna fell in love after just a few short moments and, now entitled Mrs Mugwort and she quickly opened her eyes to Barbecue and loves fire, smoke and has assumed the responsibility as Head Pitmaster at Mugwort's.
Together, we battle through bad weather, good weather, events, customer events, birthdays and deliver world-class BBQ. Together we, Johan & Sanna together with our team have won SM silver, silver in Chicken, Bronze in Ribs, Gold in BBQ sauce and we won the title of European champion in BBQ sauce in 2018 and this allowed us to start production, on a larger scale. We deliver today together with our partner to ICA, CItygross, Hemköp, Tempo and many, many other stores. It's great that many people want to join the train and hang out, because the journey is not over yet! We aim to become Sweden's Best BBQ Restaurant and it is not us who decides who makes the best BBQ in Sweden, it is up to our visitors to decide!
Come by us in Gråbo and talk, hang out and eat something delicious. We are there most of the time. But only on weekends! Welcome to Sweden's little Texas, Mugwort's BBQ Shack in Gråbo
Johan & Sanna